Adventures Of RuveirMu (Ep-1)

 Vas Happenin Guys!! Welcome or welcome back to Savage Anishka. 

Hope you're having a great day at home.

Today I'm going to tell you an adventurous story, all composed by me. And this super idea is inspired by Avni's blog, "Let's see the world through Avni's eyes". It's not like I have taken her story, but I got inspiration from her, so yea. 

๐Ÿ‘†This is the link to her blog, please go and check it, she have an amazing imagination. 

Without further a do, let's get into it...

We were 4 people, me aka Anishka, Blue, Austin and Lucas. We all were best friends. And like any other day, we went for an evening walk. But that day was not as simple as others.  After 15 minutes or so, we saw an unmetalled road, we notice that everyday before that but that day I finally ended my curiosity and asked my friends- "Where does that road leads us to?". They also don't know the answer. Then Austin said-"Why don't we go there and check? It will not take much time." I nodded agreeing to him. Lucas also agreed to us but Blue said-"This better not take much time, and please don't lost the way back. We will get in big trouble if this happens". We all three spoke at same time- "Oh! C'mon! nothing will happen" Blue was like (ahhh fine๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„) and we moved towards that unmetalled road between the woods. After some time, we saw a very large cave but it's mouth was covered with a big, big rock. And some of kind of roots were coming from behind of the rock. I notice a very weird thing that the birds were chirping in a same tune (Chirp, chirp, chirp chirp chirp). Lucas said-"I wonder what's behind this large rock". We all were very curious to know, suddenly Blue leaned her ear to the stone and knocked on it (Tat, tat, tat tat tat) and surprisingly the stone moved on it's own. We asked her-"How did you do that?" She replied-"I don't know, I just knocked on it the way the birds are singing, they are singing in a tune"  I said-"I also noticed that...weird". As soon as we went in the cave, our mouth just dropped seeing that beautiful view. 

 We decided to go along with the stairs. After a very short distance of travelling, we saw a very large open space, just like a playground, well much larger than a playground. It was like if we have visited heaven being alive, there was a river with a very heavy flow, beautiful white swans drinking water from that river, colourful flowers and butterflies roaming around, and also a very weird thing that the fishes were swimming in the opposite direction of that heavy flow. Besides all that, we saw a luxurious looking box, on the other side of the river.

Austin pointed on that box and shouted "look!". Lucas said-"But how can we go there, we can't swim in this much flow". Blue argued-"We are not going there let's go back, anyways there is no way to go there". I said-"It's looks so good, we should check it" Blue said-"How?!?!". After a 5-6mins of argument, we came to the result that we will go back to our homes. As soon as we get to the mouth of the cave, we saw that the roots covered the opening and there's no way out. I exclaimed-"Now what? We are totally trapped". Austin murmured-"We have no option other than checking that box". But that was much louder than a murmur. Lucas said-"Ok let's go". We all went back to that place and Blue stomped till there. Now the problem was how do we get to the other side of the river, we started to look here and there and finding a way to go there. after 15 mins of search we gave up and lied on the ground facing to the top of the cave. I was starring at the top and I saw the way to that side! There were roots on the top making hoops from which we can cross the river. I get up with a blink and said that we can do a little "monkey climb" to cross it. Lucas said-"Do you think it's that easy?". I said-"Yeah...just like we do monkey climb in parks, there was ground under us, here we have water. I am sure you all can complete monkey climb, can ya?" All the three said yes. So what are we waiting for, I went first. I jumped to grab one of the hoops and slowly crossed it. Lucas followed me, then Blue and then Austin. We crossed it with ease. We were like, what were we doing for 15mins, if the solution was right above us. Without wasting any more time, we tried to open that box but there was a lock. Again we started thinking and looking here and there. As soon as we moved our sight away from the box, we saw a beautiful tree which is having hanging glowing pots like flowers. Our mouths released a smooth sound (whoa!). 

They were looking different from others, and are attracting us. We also noticed a different coloured pot flower on the same tree. That tree was making a very positive vibe. Austin proceeded to that different shade of flower and opened it to find the key. And guess what, we found a key. The key was beautifully carved in a shape of a butterfly. Austin throwed the key to Lucas, and Lucas tried to open it and finally the lock opened (phew!). Lucas removed the lock and opened the shutter. Our mouths dropped ๐Ÿ˜ฎ (Whaaaat?!?). We saw another box inside it. Lucas took that box out and luckily there was no lock. Lucas put the butterfly key in his pocket and opened the second box. I stood up, saying-"Are they making us a fool or something!?" because there was another box! Lucas continued opening the third box and finally we saw an envelop✉. I sat down after seeing that envelop in satisfaction. Blue took out the envelop from the box and turned it, we all together read "Way to the Adventures of RuveirMu". We were so curious and excited to see what's inside it. Austin snatched the envelop from Blue's hand and quickly opened it. It says.........

To Be Continued...

That's it for today's post. Hope you liked it. And if you did, don't forget to comment your reviews and suggestions.
And please also write down what you think will happen next. I would love to read your comments and your imagination.

Please follow me, if you haven't already.
I'll be posting the next episode as soon as possible.

I will see you guys next time. Peace✌


  1. Nice imagination dear !! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ
    I saw that you are shining day by day ... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    Luv the way how u made this blog.. ๐Ÿ˜
    Pls post part-2 ASAP...
    Wating for Part 2
    Anyways , Keep it up !!
    Lots of luv ❤️
    Sam ,

    1. Thank you Sam ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
      i will try to post next episode ASAP

    I got tired Reading it
    Nice efforts

    1. thanks yashshvi
      and i will definitely try my best to make my up-coming blogs shorter
      thanks for telling your opinion ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Heyy amazing idea!
    Maybe the envelope might contain a map or something of a place... Maybe.. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚
    You know I am worst in guessing..
    But ya it's such an incredible story
    And you don't need to justify we know you didn't copied from Avni.
    Well... Good work done
    And I want to ask what's ASAP๐Ÿ˜‚
    Waiting for the next episode
    With best wishes

    1. thank you Diksha
      keep guessing...who knows๐Ÿ˜
      and ya ASAP means as soon as possible
      thanks again

  4. Savage, ani!! Nice delivery and mind blowing plot of the story. ๐Ÿ‘✨๐Ÿ‘Gr8!!
    I think the envelope may have a message/riddle/info about RuveirMu or something like that, cant wait to find it out!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
    Part 2 asaaapp please!!!
    Lovely imagination, sis! Well done๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Love, P.

    1. Thank you Plaksha
      and keep waiting...keep thinking and guessing
      but I promise that waiting won't stay for long ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰
      thanks again!

  5. Ayyyyy....
    It's Wooooh wwwww..
    Ur imagination is Super se bhi uperrrrr....
    Mind blowing ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜....
    Loved the way you serve as it is very tough to put ur imagination in just few words ....
    Maybe u will find any riddle or any map..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜....
    Please please ๐Ÿฅบ post ASAP...
    Lots of love ๐Ÿ’ž

    1. Thank you Avni๐Ÿ˜Š
      and i'll not keep you waiting for long...don't worry
      thanks again

  6. Hy..
    Very well done ani..๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    Imagination at another level ๐Ÿ’ซ
    Part 2 please fast likhna..๐Ÿ˜‚
    P.s.Sorry for late reply

    1. Thanks Ishika ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
      i have started writing next episode a little lately ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      so i'll be posting it very soon
      thank you ๐Ÿ˜‰


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